Sharing Hope

It was the moment I knew life would never be the same again.

Have you ever had one of those moments?

As I stood there looking out at the stark, lifeless landscape, a surge of helplessness flooded through me. I will never forget that image... of the bare, broken branches,  stripped of every green leaf... every sign of life...

Nor will I forget that feeling.

But what struck me in the days following Hurricane Irma's devastation of my island was that I was not the only one.

Many, many people... all over the world... Every. Single. Day... have that same, exact feeling.

The feeling of being a statistic. A number. One of many. Adrift on thin ice with no help in sight.
I was haunted by the images... real life, photos, and TV commercials.

One, in particular, played on repeat through my mind. I could see her now. We'll call her 'Despair' for that is what she epitomized. Sitting amid the rubble... the hopelessness hanging heavy in her eyes she seemed to beg the question, 'What now? What hope is there for me?'

I've thought about her often.

You see, in the chaos and turmoil after the storm... I had this hope... despite all that I saw... I had this hope that God would show up.

And show up He did. In a myriad of ways that I'll be forever grateful for.

But I wondered about Despair. How did He show up for her?

And then I remembered. Often He shows up in His people.

His people... like Convoy of Hope... who miraculously showed up on our island almost immediately after the storm. People who bring hope in tangible ways.

Hope realized.

It's a need I can't ignore. The need for hope. So I've decided to help share the hope.

Would you care to join me?

If yes...

Please help me support Convoy of Hope by making a donation through my page. The process is fast, easy and secure.

And because I believe that prayer is the most important gift, I've downloaded the 21-day Pray for Hope prayer guide from Convoy of Hope. It helps to focus my prayers on the needs of the poor and suffering. You can get your copy here.

Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

Please click here to visit my fundraising page! Thanks so much for visiting and helping to share hope with those in desperate need. 


  1. This hope that God will show up is a hope that never disappoints, and His showing up is rarely as we expect. Beautiful words of here!

    1. Thanks for dropping by today, Crystal. You're so right; God often surprises us in the way He goes before us and takes care of our needs. So powerful, and yet so personal.

  2. I love putting my hope in God. I am never disappointed.

    1. 'Never disappointed' - such sweet encouragement, Maree Dee. Thank you for sharing.


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