Sunday 28 August 2016

A New Way Forward

I want what she has.

That sparkle in her eyes! The look of wonder and utter amazement as she gazes at the beauty around her. The way she expresses her joy! Simply, but wholeheartedly!

There's something absolutely magical about being in the presence of a two-year old as she looks for the first time on God's creation. 

"Wow!"she exclaims, and her whole body lights up - her eyes wide with wonder!

Fresh eyes! Yes, that's what it is! Fresh eyes! The ability to look around and really see everything like you are seeing it for the very first time. Soaking up every minute detail and savoring it. 

I watch as delight floods her little body, and I am thankful. Thankful for her parents who have taught her to see the Creator behind all the beauty she sees. 

"Ocean!" she says excitedly. "I like it!"

"Who made the ocean, Sanaa?"  

"Jesus!" she shrieks, and her enthusiasm melts my heart. 

I am thankful for this reminder to look around and fully see the everyday miracles around me. Sure, I spend time daily standing amazed at the beautiful scenery all around me. I live in the Caribbean, so I simply have to look out my window or drive down the road to be overcome by God's awesome creation. But... in other areas, my eyes have become a bit dull... for lack of a better word.

Let's just say there are times when I don't see the beauty in all of God's creation. Man, for example. 

Something happens as we age... as we spend more time in this sin-darkened world... we tend to become accustomed to the ugly... the disappointments... the not-so-pretty stains on this otherwise beautiful world... that sometimes we forget to see the beauty altogether. We look right past it and dwell on the ugly. We have forgotten how to use our fresh eyes. 

But just imagine if we did. If we purposely chose to use fresh eyes to gaze on God's beauty all around us. Perhaps we'll see each new day as a gift (as it really is), never before lived, filled with new and exciting possibilities; each new encounter as a chance to see something fresh and admirable in the person that just yesterday tried our last nerve. Most importantly, we'll open our eyes and look for God everywhere and when we find Him, we will really see. 

See, I am doing a new thing! Now, it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 

As I think of this angelic child who reminded me to really see, I think of what a gift she is. Each day with her, we are learning something new about her. She is growing and thriving, and her bubbly personality is bursting through. It's as if day-by-day, moment-by-moment, a new layer is being unwrapped... like opening a present we have been given. It reminds me that the magic hasn't faded with my older kids. Each day with them, we are learning more about who they are and getting glimpses of who God created them to be. It's beautiful if we really look. We just have to look with fresh eyes!

Yes! Fresh eyes! It can be life-changing! It can change the way I look at the man I've spent half my life with... the way I look at my children, my family, my friends. With fresh eyes, I can leave behind my preconceived expectations... those intangible bars that keep my loved ones trapped in a box I've built around them, and I can look for something new. 

I can wipe my lens clean and look intently - purposely and prayerfully - for signs of our awesome Creator. Because He's there, everywhere we look, behind all that He's created and when we see Him, really see Him, it changes us. Drops us to our knees and changes the way we respond to others... to the world... to Him, all to His glory. 

So I'm moving forward, with fresh eyes and a full heart, and I'm asking you to join me. Let's pray together that God will open the eyes of our hearts so that we can really see Him and that together our enthusiasm for God's beauty all around us will draw others to His amazing love.

picture source: pixabay